Just a thought

With 3 tabs open on my browser window, one of which is playing music that got me thinking, and the other being my step towards a good body (dumbbells ofc.) i write this after a long time. Now that that realization has happened and i have gotten over it, i wanna talk about the thought that got me here in the first place.

a good empathizer actually never dwells on any emotion. (lights up a SlimJim*)

I have had this habit; and if you have heard of it from me than congratulations you are among the very few who have, where i dive deep in multiple emotions just to see how it feels from time to time. I just get myself to feel more and more about an emotion and understand and experience it as if i’m actually is someone who is suppose to feel that way. And i’ll tell you this much, it ain’t a joke.
Now i feel like, i should elaborate a bit more? Well, good for you cause i’m in a mood for that. So it happened that during the best 3 months of our lives when we got into lockdown for the first time, like you, i too did things i had kept on hold for long. I went down the gallery and started posting photos that i hadn’t. And one such photo was of a sand castle made on Baga Beach in the March of 2018. that photo somehow inspired me to write about loss. after giving it some serious thought, i put myself to feel the emotions of a guy who just lost his father. (I know :’) ). And got myself to slowly imagine my whole and very personal life without my father. I’ll be lying if i say that that didn’t make me lose it. It became so instense at a point that, i couldn’t get myself out of it. It was awful and yet it stopped the second i wanted it to.

i was in the shoe of someone whose father isn’t there anymore, i could understand the intensity of loss in that in the way that i would feel and yrt at the same time i could totally view it as 3rd person too. I could emphathize with it and at the same time i could just move on in a snap.

I thus believe that everything that comes your way is an experience. And there is no right or wrong in anything. There isn’t a single path of life that you ought to follow, or do, or compare or relate to, rather every path, takes you to a place to see and experience, be it greatest or worst. People who believe otherwise and not look at things in a way to experience them and instead wish to “win” are the ones those who fail to live the best.

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