makes and breaks

humans, needs multiple imagined realities to function as a social animal. we believe in laws, we believe in rights and so many things which don’t physically even exist in the world. its a commonly accepted thing which exists nowhere else but in their own conscious. but to even come at the stage of social animals, humans need to believe in something common that necessarily brings them to be in a society. In case of humans, it started with the geography of the places they were born at like the mountains or the forests, then went on to be elements they could take along like fire and stones, and when all these failed to be enough for a social norm to be a reason for a societies, stories began to be the next source of the believe that brought humans together.

stories and imagined realities are very much similar, and religion is both of it. it keeps you entertained and since everyone believes in the reality together they form a society. it is so ironic that what keeps you all together also manages to kill you sooner or later.

humans are complex beings but it feels as if the universe is just making a joke of us. humans can’t survive without each other and then they can’t live with each other. different religions are just different imagined realities and they too actually kills us while also being the reason for us to be together.

humans don’t realize that these imagined realities are just stories that are meant to keep them all together and just like the stories can be changed and modified to carry the message forward with time. the change is not in the blood of humans and its acceptance is only something that can help ensure evolution for the race.

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