Not High?

It is just so much effort to do even the easiest of things when you are not in the right set of mind. Everything, like every small of the smallest things seems to be a mountain of work. It takes so much effort to even lift your hand and switch on a fan, rather you sleep in the same bed and stare at the celling with a fan stand still as a small drop of your sweat rolls down from your forehead to you ear and it continues tills your rear head is drenched in it, until you fall asleep, i.e if you do.

Although when switching on the fan seems like such a big task, i wonder how writing this, is really not feeling like something i’ll probably die doing. Anywho, since you have read it this far, i am pretty sure you don’t have much to do either so, “Hi! Hope you are doing good…” and other formalities. It is too much effort. You might have got by reading this so far that it is just a ranting piece that i’m writing with the whole and sole purpose of entertaining myself and at the end for a bit of a hope, deep inside that it might just make me feel better. (I really really doubt it though.)

Imagine you are sitting on a chair. It is a plastic one but hold on, it is very comfortable. One of those rare kinds. Your back is against its cold back which is in perfect shape to give you the best sitting position. The bottom is a perfect arch to support you butt. You lean back and open your eyes to a perfect night sky. You take a deep breath and the crisp oxygen of the mountains make your lungs feel so light. The peak that you are sitting on is the second highest in the range and you can see the highest one right ahead of you. The peaks covered in snow looks illuminated in the faint light of the moon, just the perfect half of it.

Feels nice to imagine such an amazing night right? especially when you are sitting in a room which is fucking flooded with light and the silence of the mountains is far far beyond your grasp. Sigh. I am definitely buying a countryside house to live in at times when i am just done with everything around me in the loudness and brightness of the city.

It feels like ages since i had had some good green. Anyone with it, please find me on instagram @sarveshantapurkar.

Btw don’t you hate bright lights? It is so irritating, isn’t it? Sit in a room with the door closed and bolted. Switch on the table lamp and make sure it is lighting up only the table you are sitting at. The rest of the room is filled with black. And then work on whatever you want to. Trust me, you won’t ever find a easier way to gain focus and remove any blockages. And before you do that make sure you are alone in the room. Being alone gives you a freedom that no matter what can never be gained from being someone in the room. The darkness keeps all the distractions that there can possibly be in the room away from you and the singly lit table focuses all your attention at that one spot that you need your attention to be on.

I just realized i have been talking too much random shit that together is making no sense. But if it still makes even a little sense to you then “Welcome to the world, it sucks and you are gonna love it”, trust me I’m fuckin not! That’s a stupid fuckin dialog. (Didn’t get it? Its alright. You totally don’t suck.)

The thing of concern right now is that what happened last april is repeating itself. and i fucking can’t do shit about it but SMFH. Hope that at least this summer won’t go without green like last one did. (INSTAGRAM POTBUDS!)


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