Random WhatsApp message

The vicious chain of unsaid expectations we live in. It is present around every other person you meet if not all. What I mean exactly, well we will get there eventually but more important than that is obviously how we get there. This is just another story of you that I choose to tell now.

It all starts with the most & closest to divine experience known to human kind. Yes, even though Sex qualifies is more or less what leads there, that is not what I’m talking about. The most divine experience is the moment of creation. The moment of birth. Being parents and humans, the most and only important thing thereafter is the beautiful 8 pound baby sleeping and its little curling fingers, playing with the hanging on its cradle.

Parents care for the baby more than anything. The father finally succeeds to quit smoking and all he care about now is painting the room for his precious kid who someday would become a very talented engineer. (Or a musician). The mother feeds the best of everything and losses her night sleep, making sure that the baby is comfortable as she changes the diapers at least thrice.

Eventually, on a tuesday afternoon, when dad’s at the office and mom is on the verge of giving in to the mighty sleep falling on her lids, “I want grilled chicken” says the baby trying to stand up with the support of the couch. Oh wait, “Maamhaa…”, this is more like the first word of the baby. The chicken would have to wait for another story. The sleep runs away from the eyes of the mother like a the orcs after seeing the Rohirim on the day after the battle of Helm’s Deep. (For those who haven’t seen Lord of the Rings, go and watch it.) The excitement knows no bounds and the the mother writes down the day in her diary, only to read it years later and let a faint smile cross her lips as she thinks back of this day.

Years fly like Hell-Hawks or Nazgul-birds after seeing the Eagles (WATCH LOTR) and the baby grows into age. Age of learning the first thing that parents teach them. Values? Yes partially correct, but we are looking here at religion. Yes, joining hands in different fashion, i like to call it. Palm-On-Palm in a Temple OR Sidepalm-On-Sidepalm in a mosque OR pointer and middle finger making a cross in a church. It’s mostly what their parents had taught them when they were of the religion-age.

The next comes the time when the baby isn’t a baby anymore and finds a strange but exciting energy within. Things grow and hair comes out where none existed. Oh come on! You know what im saying. Into the school for 10 years and now they begin to look around and see people. Jeans, tops, coats, sweat-shirts are not as exciting as they were before. The curiosity of what is beneath takes up the mind. And then someone reciprocates the same curiosity for the baby who isn’t a baby anymore.

The parents however, are more curious about how the person join hands than anything else. A bit confusing it grows for the kid who thought, my parents think what I think. There’s sometimes a bit of resistance or it is smooth as with a lubricant. NOOO! Not sex. Parents’ approval to the fashion of joining hands.

The kid is almost 18 or 19 now and the prime minister of the country being a tea vendor drives his curiosity. He asks if he can run the country if he should start selling tea as well. His father for some reason losses it. What do you understand? He is sacrificing so much to run the country. He is a man of god. Wondering how the prime minister sacrifices after making people stand in a long queue in front of ATMs, sleep takes over.

Like the young and brave Captain Faramir of the realm of Gondor who deviced a sharp strategy, the young mind devices a strategy for starting a new venture of its own. A bakery where would cook the finest bread and the best cakes in the city. And like Denethor, the old steward of Gondor who in his time had struggled with the new approach, the father shots down the idea and sends the young talent out in the rat race of finding a JOB. Having a luck better than that of Faramir, the kid returns.

But there’s some realization which hits hard whilst running the rat race. It’s an eyeopener but unfortunately, only for the kid. The father and the mother, realizes it none. Years pass and soon everything turns to be disruptive. the kid who learnt to join hands in the fashion of the parents, doesn’t anymore comply to it. The person that they resisted back then is appearing to be more important to the kid than his parents. The prime minister is no god, the kid says. The job is not good and the bakery is the only thing the kid would do.

Parents are disturbed and disheartened. How could the kid do this to them? How could their teachings go all in vain? And then one day the mother randomly clicks on a link in the family (FORWARDS) WhatsApp group. She finds the story there just in line with her own life and she sends it to the father of her kid. And he agrees to that as well. Now they reach this part and wonder what’s next? For that, they will have to wait for the next post.

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